In days long past when every trucker had a CB it was easy to let them know they were clear when passing you. Or a quick flash to let them know they were coming by and if you flashed your lights they were clear to move back they blinked the tail lights to say thanks.
I guess I am old school - a fossil so to speak I always run with my lights on and if I am overtaking a truck or if the truck is overtaking me I do a quick flash to signal I am cumming by, or its clear to return. No one seems to return the gesture to tell me it's OK to get back. Occasionally I will get a thank you (flash rear lights) when I have flashed the OK to get back.
I know truckers have a schedule to keep so in heavy traffic if they want to get over to pass a slow truck/car in the right lane, I will flash and back off slightly to let them over. In the past I would get a honk or rear light flash to say thank you. I have even seen truckers force the way over cutting off folks.
I even get yell at when using the trucker pumps for fuel and DEF. I always pull ahead to clear the pumps too.
Are CB's even used today. CH 19 seems dead the last time I had my radio on. I have not even installed it in the new truck - probably wont. I might carry it with an antenna and a long set of power cords for boon docking. or civil emergency's. Its actually what is called an export radio with a lot of other frequency bands on it.
So do I continue trying to be nice? Or is light flashing considered rude now?. Boy times have changed, even in campgrounds.
I guess I am old school - a fossil so to speak I always run with my lights on and if I am overtaking a truck or if the truck is overtaking me I do a quick flash to signal I am cumming by, or its clear to return. No one seems to return the gesture to tell me it's OK to get back. Occasionally I will get a thank you (flash rear lights) when I have flashed the OK to get back.
I know truckers have a schedule to keep so in heavy traffic if they want to get over to pass a slow truck/car in the right lane, I will flash and back off slightly to let them over. In the past I would get a honk or rear light flash to say thank you. I have even seen truckers force the way over cutting off folks.
I even get yell at when using the trucker pumps for fuel and DEF. I always pull ahead to clear the pumps too.
Are CB's even used today. CH 19 seems dead the last time I had my radio on. I have not even installed it in the new truck - probably wont. I might carry it with an antenna and a long set of power cords for boon docking. or civil emergency's. Its actually what is called an export radio with a lot of other frequency bands on it.
So do I continue trying to be nice? Or is light flashing considered rude now?. Boy times have changed, even in campgrounds.