So my wife and I are not agreeing on where to put the paper towel holder in our 323bhs. Where Do you put yours? And Coat hooks. Where did you get yours?
We also have a free standing paper towel holder. It usually sits in the left corner of the kitchen hutch. We hang our jackets we're wearing on the back of the dining chairs or if they're wet in the bathroom over the shower door.
Jackets that aren't being used stay in the bedroom closetor under the bed
Since it is usually just my lovely bride and I, we put them on the dining chairs if they're not hanging in the closet or the truck..
Sometimes I will hang mine on the top corner edge of the curbside slide, near the door.
Our old Cougar had a small coat closet just inside the door and I guess I miss it.
I converted the upper part of our pantry for a coat that it's accessible without walking on carpet. Decided that we wanted that function more than we needed pantry storage but the 337 also has separate pull-out pantry shelves.