Here's a good and simple one we've tried. I use Krusteaz pancake batter mix and diet 7-Up. Mix per the directions except use about 1/3 less liquid than the package says. Set aside some dry mix. Dredge the clam meat in dry mix, then batter, then in dry mix again. Let it set for about 20-30 minutes in the fridge. If you have a deep fryer, it works the best but you can pan fry also. Just make sure you get the oil to 375 deg. I've only used the deep fry method. Cooking time should only be about 30-40 seconds unless you are using big chunks of clam. I like to cut them into about 1/2 inch strips. You'll know if you over cooked them cuz they'll be really tough. Like most seafood, when you think it's not quite done, it's probably perfect.