Real world experience with USAA?


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2020
Near Sacramento, CA
I currently have my trailer insured with USAA. When I asked what I thought would be all the right questions the rep gave answers that satisfied me. However I'm wondering if anyone has any real world experience with USAA trailer roadside assistance and/or damage coverage.
I currently have my trailer insured with USAA. When I asked what I thought would be all the right questions the rep gave answers that satisfied me. However I'm wondering if anyone has any real world experience with USAA trailer roadside assistance and/or damage coverage.

I've been with them 41 years now. In all that time I've only had 2 minor claims on my auto policy and they paid like a slot machine. I don't have their roadside assistance but I am confident that if you ever have a claim you'll be satisfied with them.
I have also been with USAA for more than 40 years and they are a great company, but you need to be aware that they do not do RV insurance. They sub that out to Progessive insurance. You get a discount that progressive gives to all USAA members. I am not saying that Progressive is not a good company, I believe it actually shows that progressive is pretty good since USAA is willing to sub contract to them.
I've been with them 41 years now. In all that time I've only had 2 minor claims on my auto policy and they paid like a slot machine. I don't have their roadside assistance but I am confident that if you ever have a claim you'll be satisfied with them.

I've been with them for over 50 years and always had good service. But I'm wondering specifically about how they handle RV problems. I'm tempted to go with a RV specific company that will make sure my RV gets home if I'm incapacitated or we get home if the RV will be several weeks in a repair shop. RV specific companies offer this but I don't think USAA does so I was hoping to hear from someone who had actual experience with how USAA handles problems with the RV and what other services they might provide like getting us back home in the event of an accident or getting the RV back home if I can't.
I have also been with USAA for more than 40 years and they are a great company, but you need to be aware that they do not do RV insurance. They sub that out to Progessive insurance. You get a discount that progressive gives to all USAA members. I am not saying that Progressive is not a good company, I believe it actually shows that progressive is pretty good since USAA is willing to sub contract to them.

I noticed that when I added my trailer to my policy. Sort of forgot about but now it makes me want even more to take a serious look at RV specific companies.
Been with them for 38 years. No issues. We have used roadside assistance in the past for car/truck.

USAA does insure TT and 5th wheels.
I had USAA on a TT when someone broke into it. The claims process was easy and they paid without issue. I was also involved in a hit and run on a vehicle and they were pleasant to work with. I currently have GEICO on my camper and vehicles, better rates, but I still use USAA for my banking needs.

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I have had USAA since I started driving. Home and auto. Had 3 RVs insured with Progressive through them. The first one, an Airstream, was totaled by hail less than 6 months after we got. Claim was settled quickly without question. I’ve also had motorcycle insurance through them. I don’t think you can find better. At least I haven’t.

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We got aquote in on auto insurance. They farm it out to Progressive. Our current Progressive policy was less cost than the USAA quote. They did give agood homeowners quote though
I have had USAA for nearly 40 years. For the most part they are a top notch insurance company however I did have an issue with a claim on my Toyota Tundra but they eventually came through. Their motorcycle and trailer insurance is actually through Progressive. I found it cheaper to go directly through Progressive and have had nothing but excellent service with them.
I have also been with USAA for more than 40 years and they are a great company, but you need to be aware that they do not do RV insurance. They sub that out to Progessive insurance. You get a discount that progressive gives to all USAA members. I am not saying that Progressive is not a good company, I believe it actually shows that progressive is pretty good since USAA is willing to sub contract to them.

Our fifth wheel is insured with USAA (as were our previous fifth wheel and the travel trailer before that) - it's motorhomes they won't insure.

We have not had to use our USAA roadside assistance, but our daughter has and they were very responsive. USAA takes good care of her each time she calls. We have also not had any damage nor insurance claims on any of our RVs (knock wood!). 13 years ago my first wife was killed in an auto accident. USAA handled everything - I mean everything - quickly with care and compassion. They held my hand at a time I was only partially functional and paid out the multiple associated claims without blinking an eye.

I have USAA as well, but they farm out the RV policy to Progressive. The policy still shows up in my USAA navigation portal, but its a Progressive policy. The premiums have gone up a bit more than I'd like (no claims), but no issues.
I had a claim on my Reflection fifth wheel when in Gatlinburg. I was thrilled to see Progressive has a RV adjuster living in the area, and he knows all the body shop managers very well. The claim went very smoothly.

I just wish the repairs went nearly as smooth. Really first rate RV body shops are few and far between./
Our fifth wheel is insured with USAA (as were our previous fifth wheel and the travel trailer before that) - it's motorhomes they won't insure.
This is exactly right. Sometimes they just hear you say RV and they start to push you over to Progressive, but they do insure trailers. Only motorhomes have to go through Progressive.

I've had them a long time, but haven't had any claims related to our trailers. We had one auto claim, and they were extremely easy to deal with and very professional. It's why I stay with them even though I could probably save a few bucks by going somewhere else. Saving money is nice, but having someone that won't jerk you around when the need arises, that's what I'm really paying for.
I started with USAA 2 weeks after I was commissioned in 1971, been with them ever since. I've had 2 travel trailers insured by USAA and 2 motorhomes insured by Progressive. Both were good experiences, besides, I like the two $500 checks they send me each year!

I currently have my trailer insured with USAA. When I asked what I thought would be all the right questions the rep gave answers that satisfied me. However I'm wondering if anyone has any real world experience with USAA trailer roadside assistance and/or damage coverage.

I have two homes, two autos, a boat, RV and a bank account with them. Claims on the car and RV are always handled quickly and professionally. Last claim was handled by sending pictures by email. Been a member for over 40 years. Even with the RV and Boat being with progressive they have been great.
This is exactly right. Sometimes they just hear you say RV and they start to push you over to Progressive, but they do insure trailers. Only motorhomes have to go through Progressive.

I've had them a long time, but haven't had any claims related to our trailers. We had one auto claim, and they were extremely easy to deal with and very professional. It's why I stay with them even though I could probably save a few bucks by going somewhere else. Saving money is nice, but having someone that won't jerk you around when the need arises, that's what I'm really paying for.

I’m so confused by the difference in answers in this... so much so that I went online and tried to quote out a fifth wheel policy- it took me to USAA/progressive... I then called and was told that they do not insure RVs - that Progressive does that as an agency agreement with USAA.
I had to make sure-I currently have a policy for our 5er with Progressive as USAA members ... do you think it’s regional?

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I had USAA, for a few years, until last week, I got my monthly notice by e-mail, and it had more than doubled in price, from 237.00 a month to 479.00 per month, I called and ask, had to talk to 3 or 4 people, but the bottom line was in their words "we had numerous claims in Texas because of the Ice Storms, and we have to recoup costs" I really thought they were a better company than that but I guess not. So just a heads up beware
I've been with them for over 50 years and always had good service. But I'm wondering specifically about how they handle RV problems. I'm tempted to go with a RV specific company that will make sure my RV gets home if I'm incapacitated or we get home if the RV will be several weeks in a repair shop. RV specific companies offer this but I don't think USAA does so I was hoping to hear from someone who had actual experience with how USAA handles problems with the RV and what other services they might provide like getting us back home in the event of an accident or getting the RV back home if I can't.

We have two policies with Good Sam for Roadside Assistance and TravelAssist. The roadside assistance is great and we have used it twice. That got both the RV and tow vehicle to a support facility for repair and back on the road. I hope to never have to use the TravelAssist, but if there were a medical issue that prevented me from getting the vehicle and RV home, they would provide an insured driver to get the units home, also providing those in our party flights, etc. to get us home. They would also pay a family member to get to our unit and drive it back home for us. For the roadside assistance, once they put my diesel dually on a flatbed truck and the RV attached to the truck, and off down the road we went to a repair shop. I also once used Good Sam to help us when we lost an axle on a trip out west. Good Sam has worked well for us. I do have USAA insurance but do not use USAA for roadside or travel assist.
I’m so confused by the difference in answers in this... so much so that I went online and tried to quote out a fifth wheel policy- it took me to USAA/progressive... I then called and was told that they do not insure RVs - that Progressive does that as an agency agreement with USAA.
I had to make sure-I currently have a policy for our 5er with Progressive as USAA members ... do you think it’s regional?

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It depends on which state you live in. Insurance companies are regulated by state insurance boards and licensed separately in each state.

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