It could be a number of possibilities. The majority of RV fires start behind the refer. Others start at the water heater, the inverter or converter, generator, breaker panel, ATS (automatic transfer switch), etc.....all areas that we protect with THIA by PROTENG AUTOMATIC RV FIRE SUPPRESSION.
I installed THIA by Proteng at the Newmar Rally in Indio last month a gentleman's Newmar Dutch Star that the fire started at the converter in the middle of the night. Fortunately he woke up to use the restroom and heard some crackling noise under the floor. He thought it was rats but went out to investigate and found his coach on fire.
The tube (designed for the race car industry in Europe) contains Dupont FM200 gas and is heat activated at approx. 300-320 degrees. The liquid in the tube turns to a gas as the temperature rises and at the point the tube ruptures the gas propels out of the tube at 300+ psi and it does it in a millisecond. At the point of activation, while removing much of the oxygen, the gas also replaces the heat with a super cold putting the fire out at the point of origin (see the video in the attached link).
It's a clean agent and so there isn't any residual damage that's caused by systems that use water, foam or dry chemical. It is environmentally safe and safe for humans and pets.
I will be doing a presentation and installations at the Grand Design Rallies at Las Vegas, Missouri, Colorado and Indiana. Here is a link for more information however, if you have specific information that isn't covered in this link, please contact me here or on the Grand Design groups on FB.
I am attaching photos that depict THIA by PROTENG being installed in my Momentum 376TH.
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