In one year, my roof and seals are damaged etc. Two screws coming out, 1/4" slit in roof, etc. I need to replace the roof. I am leaning towards a Flex Armor roof instead of a TPO roof. Any concerns, suggestions, etc. I should be considering? I am leaning towards the Flex Armor roof and the closest shop has only been in the flex armor roof business for 1-2 years. I finally found a shop in Pigeon Forge, TN that has been in the business 4 years. I live around Nashville, TN. I am willing to drive that 4-6 hours to have the job done right. Anyone have experience with having a flex armor roof? How can you determine the quality of work by different shops? Big investment, but I am attracted to the no maintenance of the Flex Armor roof. Thanks out to someone you posted a suggestion of shops in TN. Any advice?
Nashville, TN area
2019 Reflection 297RSTS
Nashville, TN area
2019 Reflection 297RSTS