"We are familiar with dealing with it's issues, but there should be no issues." In an ideal world, yes. In the real world, no. As long as humans are involved in the manufacturing process, errors will occur. Remember the issues the American car manufacturers dealt with 50 years ago? Spark plugs that required engine removal to change or else making holes in the fender? Being able to see daylight around the closed door?
The RV industry is no different. People make them, and mostly by hand. Yes, there are machines that help, but go tour any factory and you will see people putting the rigs together. Some of those people are well rested, well trained, and focused on doing the best possible job. Some are hung over, have no training, and are there just for the paycheck. Most are somewhere between those extremes.
When we, as buyers, start demanding better quality AND ARE WILLING TO PAY FOR IT we will get it. As long as we're focused on the lowest price we'll get cheap junk.