It took me a long time to get around to installing fridge protection and I don’t know why it took so long. It should be mandatory on all units with an absorption type fridge. Maybe it was being locked up and becoming a computer geek. The device is the ARP. If an RV fridge is operated while out of level it can cause corrosion inside the pipes and quickly cause a blockage and a fridge that will not work properly, or at all. The worst case scenario is a fire that will destroy the unit. I suspect replacing damaged fridges is a lucrative business for a couple of companies and the RV repair industry and it just could be the reason for the darkness. After all, hardly anyone dies in a fire and insurance usually covers fire damage. The ARP is a sleep at night fix but turning off a fridge immediately when it is not level will go a long way toward extending it’s life as well. The bottom line is that it’s up to RV owners to become educated on this subject to shine a light on the darkness they don’t tell you about.