I was just getting ready to purchase a Reese Sidewinder for my 369RL, literally had it in my shopping cart and getting ready to press "buy now". Then, I saw a footnote at the bottom of the's not obvious by any means. It says that the Sidewinder product is not compatible with ANY B&W hitch. It also voids the warranty on the Sidewinder product if used. I imagine this would have a trickle down effect and have an impact on the Lippert frame warranty and the Solitude warranty from GD right? I called Reese today, spoke with Zack in their tech support group and he verified that this is accurate..... for the most part, the ONLY compatible hitch is the Reese hitch....just about everything else is "incompatible". He said it has something to do with their locking pin and the mechanism that makes the sidewinder work, but I *think* it might be more of an issue that B&W is a competitive product....who knows. Was anyone else aware of this? Just wondered if anybody in the forum is using a B&W hitch with the Sidewinder? Was really disappointed to see this....I know that I can get a sliding hitch but just like the idea of the Sidewinder. Anyone have any experience with these two products?