Hey gang,
2022 2500RL, wondering if anyone has installed a topper over the slide out (drivers side). Our previous Forest River Class C had one over the slide out and wish this unit had one as well
Been camping in the Pacific North West and between the leaves, pine needles and the water... the inside is a mess after we travel
Hoping a topper will help
We too have toppers installed on our 5er and love them for the same reasons plus(i.e. no more climbing roofs to clean off slide roofs, added insulation from the sun during hot weather, and less rain noise from slide tops).
However, now I will play the devils advocate here about toppers....: May grow mold on bottom side of topper when rolled up wet. Difficult to clean under the topper once installed - including slide roof. Toppers may pool water when raining. And finally topper sailing during high winds which can eventually damage the topper or rip it out of its molding.
The cleaning the topper and slide tops issue can be somewhat resolved with long handled cleaning tools with rags attached and some patients. In some cases there is only a few inches to get to everything need to be clean.
We have solved the wind sailing and water pooling of the toppers with a bungy cord and suction cups (purchased from Harbor Freight) placed on the slide sides and over the center top of the toppers "loosely" with just the weight of the cord laying on the topper so as not to stretch the vinyl. Very little to no topper sailing anymore and rain water runs off during storms as the weighted cord acts as a gutter on both sides.
In the past 3 years of placing our toppers on and using our anti-sail&pool system, we have not had any issues with damage, stretching or excessive water on our toppers when in use during high winds and/or storms. Or have we had any real objects other than dust accumulate on our protected slide tops. Also as a bonus, no more loud flapping sounds during windy days which can get very annoying when inside the trailer (this was the main reason for the anti-sail&pool system, the water run-off was an unrealized bonus!)
Recommendations: Cleaning the slide tops immaculately prior to installing the toppers. Periodically clean the underside of the toppers and slide top with a long extendable tool with rags. Try to retract your slides only when toppers are dry as much as possible (we do ours <while dry> the night before we leave due to not waiting for the morning dew or any condensation to dry so we can get an early start on the road as needed). Install some type of sail protection to keep your toppers from sailing and possible damage during high winds.
Last but not least, the best safety mod we have done to our trailer - no more climbing the ladder for just the slide tops each and every time prior to leaving. Now its just the occasional cleaning of the roof, AC units, slide toppers tops, and roof inspection only - all of this at the same time maybe once a year.
Full disclosure: It does help that we keep our trailer in covered storage when not in use, and also have the RV Armor roof protection for added comfort insurance.