CRC Power Lube will allow slide to move easier especially when first applied on clean parts, but it is very much a dirt magnet. Teflon in the name gives the false impression that it is a dry lubricant, but it is very oily. Run a search on this forum for more specifics.
Many years ago, Lippert recommended mentioned CRC and there were and still are videos floating around saying to use it. If you look at current Schwintek documentation it is no longer recommended, and no lubricant is to be used. Keep the parts very clean, even with no lube, including removing dust.
Due to the tight tolerances on some parts, some very small amount of dirt buildup, especially on lubricated surfaces, will cause slide to work harder than with no lube.
There are a number of owners that like the CRC, due to the easy initial sliding and will swear by it. It is very tempting to use if the slide is working excessively hard to move but this is not fixing the root cause. If all lubricated surfaces are thoroughly cleaned monthly(?) in addition to any time there is a small amount of blowing dust, who knows, CRC Power Lube might work out fine.
These Schwintek slides can work well for many years with no issues, at least on moderate size slides. In my estimation the key issues are:
- Poor initial installation (slide may work well initially until it doesn't)
- Owners not holding extend/retract button awhile after slide stops
- Owners not doing a FULL syc now and then and any time there is a hint that slide is not moving evenly (both sides together). (run a search to explain this very easy/quick procedure)
- Not cleaning rack and slot on a regular basis.
- Using lubricants.
- Stopping slide part way. This is OK if a full sync is done afterwards.
- Slide hitting objects either inside RV or on outside.
- Improper and lack of customer and dealer training
- I'm sure there are more that could be added.
I personally got burned by poor initial installation that was found after a lot of use during the first year of ownership. After a proper fix, I have used slide a lot (not a full timer though) with no issues now for five years. Schwintek system is not working hard to move, based on the sounds but I have not measured the current and likely should for a baseline, if slide starts to struggle in the future.
I agree with Butcher that the slide should be more robust.