We are selling the 8 Cubic Foot Dometic DM2882LBX Propane/120Volt fridge from our 2021 RV with a 12 volt version to gain some extra space. The fridge works on both propane and 120, and we are including a set of BeechLane fans that can be mounted in the vent to increase airflow and cooling. They was $80 on Amazon a few months ago. We are taking longer trips and need the extra space that 12 volt fridges provide. The Dometic is still in our RV, I can take it out for you or I can leave it in place and you can help remove it so you can see how it is installed, your choice. If you want it left in place I can have it cooled down with either propane or 120 volt so you can confirm it works. If you want it removed you will have to take my word for it that it works. We have spent about 80 nights in the RV so that is about how much use the fridge has seen.
$500 - edited to add price because I am apparently an idiot.

$500 - edited to add price because I am apparently an idiot.

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