Senior Member
That's got to help a bit on the huge heat / cold sink.
Does the spray foam stick good enough to not let moisture behind it?
Hopefully it is stuck pretty good. I cleaned the painted surface with a green scotch brite and for the most part it seems to have stuck very well. When I was getting ready to spray, I had the trailer in a heated shop, water was dripping off of the roof from snow melting, I had the bottles in front of an electric heater to get the temperature above 75 degrees. All went well, except I forgot to agitate the bottles before I started spraying. Between my respirator and tyvek suit, and planning not to stop spraying for more than 30 seconds to conserve spray tips, I forgot the agitating part. Didn't seem to have any negative effects until I got to the end of spraying when the color changed a little. Still seemed to cure ok. This is a closed cell foam, so it should help block out moisture. I might try spraying undercoating over it for protection from UV.