Just wondering if your fresh water tank fills slow . Don't matter if i fill from house or use the pump . I bought a gage so i can see how much i but in . It's like 2 gallons a min hooked to house at 45 psi.
If you just run the hose into a bucket, how fast does it come out? 2 GPM is not terrible, 3 GPM is common from a hose. 45PSI is also on the low side which will reduce it more
I use the gravity fill and haven't timed it but the camper takes everything the hose will deliver
I have a 2021 s-class 2930rl only has power fill . I have never timed it out of the hose but don't take long to fill 5gal bucket .
I just thought it would fill the tank faster then it does .
Also keep in mind, if using a pressure reducer, it will slow down the flow rate. Most people use a "cheap" pressure reducer which actually restricts flow and isnt a true pressure regulator.
Just wondering if your fresh water tank fills slow . Don't matter if i fill from house or use the pump . I bought a gage so i can see how much i but in . It's like 2 gallons a min hooked to house at 45 psi.
I have a 2020 337 and yes it is slow to fill the fresh water tank using the Power Fill setting on the Nautilus. It takes 15-20 minutes to fill the tank. I think it is about 50 gallons.
Edit: I use a pressure gauge set to 45-50 pounds so that probably keeps my fill time about the same for each fill. I never fill at the same spot twice since we move all the time.
Nothing to do with tank or unit and everything to do with available supply flow. Residential is typically 4 to 12 gpm at entrance (well or meter). By the time it's distributed to a hose big, as little as 2 gpm is not unusual.
Mine also takes a while since I have one of those cheap pressure reducer. It might feel longer then it takes since I'm just standing around close to stop it as soon as I see the overflow. Feels like 30 min but could very well just be 10. Lol