If you leave it open, running and don't have any battery saver or anything like that to kill the app it will run and alert. I have android and 'pin' it while 'keep open' is also on. Only do this when driving. It seems to work ok. But I have not had a REAL alert while driving yet.Does the app generate warnings/alerts if a triggering condition arises? Or do you have to leave the app open and on at all times and just keep checking it from time to time?
My tire pressure and temp never change while driving.
Only change is when i hookup.
Anyone have this issue ?
I think your phone is not communicating with the tire Linc. Have you updated the app recently?
I had this same problem. Called Lippert customer support which told me the iPhone app is lo longer fully compatible with Ford Sync 3. Had no idea of/when it would be restored.My tire pressure and temp never change while driving.
Only change is when i hookup.
Anyone have this issue ?
No i have not . I will try that thanks !
I take it yours updates while driving ?
I get these annoying beeps a lot too. While driving, it seems to happen often when one of the sensor loses a signal and I can see it grayed out on the phone app. It seems to be the one farthest from the repeater (rear left). I usually just give it a few minutes and check my app again. I'm going to make sure to change batteries often to keep signal strong.
The standalone unit does beep a lot if it's parked and we're moving the trailer or walking inside. We usually unplug it in that case so it doesn't keep beeping. Then it only alerts when you press the button.
I'm not sure that you can change the min/max settings on the standalone unit but I have changed them in the phone app. I've been meaning to call them to ask. At this point, I'm OK with false alarms rather than no alarms at all. The TPMS just alerted us to a flat tire yesterday 33psi and we pulled over and found a bolt in the tire. I'm about to post a question about that now since it's my first tire issue.