Towing In 20-30MPH Winds


Jan 21, 2024
Full Time Family
Seeing some varying opinions on this topic, and as always finding advice for outfits similar to ours can be difficult to find.

Our vehicle and rig are RAM3500 DRW and a 43' Momentum TH.
We've got a long trip coming up from Carlsbad NM to Sedona AZ and the forecast for every town along our route has 20-30MPH winds for the day.
We're only heading north (broadside of the wind) for a few hours then will be heading into it.
I'm curious to hear some experiences on how well a larger 5th wheel and DRW handles in these types of winds.

We've driven in high-ish winds with our previous 39' toyhauler and dually, and with our present 39' toyhauler and dually. I can honestly say that while it can be noticeable, especially coming out from behind windbreaks, it's nothing I've ever been unduly concerned with. A lot depends on how YOU feel about it. 20-30 mph won't blow your trailer over, but it can be a little unnerving if you've not done it before. The headwinds like that will absolutely kill your fuel mileage, so keep that in mind too.
Thanks for the feedback and the fuel advice.
We had a fuel close call coming through a gas station dead zone in West Texas, so we'll double check this route with the headwinds in mind.
Given the age of the original message this reply is mainly for others that may come poking around for similar info.

I towed a 36’ 327-m through Alberta, CA on the way up to the ALCAN this summer with a 2014 F250 in a direct cross wind with gusts to 50 MPH and never felt like it was a problem. Definitely noticeable and destroyed my fuel mileage, but while I would prefer to avoid it if possible I would not hesitate to do it again if I had to.

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