[MENTION=42104]Hoopy Frood[/MENTION], Here you go.
Test Simulation - Loss of tire sensor signal for a TST507 TPMS system 5 years old manufactured @ 2018- 2019. Simulating the loss of a TST507 TPMS tire cap sensor, Tire coming off the RV, or Spare tire with a cap sensor falling out and rolling away. Specific tire tested - RV Spare Tire with cap sensor. Total of 5 RV tires programmed into monitor, every 5 seconds monitor switches to display the next tire data.
Test Steps-
1) Let the monitor update and currently displaying the spare tire cap sensor information - pressure and temperature of the spare tire. 102 PSI at 80*.
2) Start Timer - Take the monitor and walk away from the RV. - simulating complete loss of the sensor or tire coming off RV and flying away.
3) At 10:47:55 Spare tire data stopped displaying - No Alert - Just stopped reporting.
4) With monitor in hand walk back toward RV. As soon as monitor is in transmission range of spare tire cap sensor, spare tire information reappeared, No Alert, just started displaying spare tire data again. Total time to walk back beside the RV @ 5 minutes.
Simulation Test Results -
Well I guess, if you lose a tire with a sensor, or just the tire sensor, or the battery goes dead in a sensor, or the monitor is out of range of the sensor transmission, the monitor just stops displaying a tires information. It will redisplay tire data information when the monitor is back in transmission range of the tire cap sensor. No Alerts
What that tells me is that it took almost 11 minutes for the monitor to realize that tire cap sensor wasn't there any more. Through that 11 minutes, every rotation through displaying the 5 tires, the spare tire information was old displaying 102 80. Only after almost 11 minutes did the monitor update the tire information. What if you had 10 tires programmed into the monitor, how long would that take?
Now realize, once the monitor has updated and displaying tire cap sensor data, that is different than just removing a tire cap sensor from the tire to like add air, the monitor will "Alert" at the next rotation of that tire.
There is wonkiness in their programming.
Seems to me there should be some kind of alert like - "Tire Signal Loss". Since it takes 5 seconds for the monitor to switch to displaying the next tires data, and the monitor knows how many tires are programmed into it, In my case with 5 tires being monitored, the max it should take to alert "Tire Signal Loss" is 25 seconds.
Now I don't like this situation with the TST TPMS tire monitoring system, but I can't see spending another $275 right now for another system.
Oh well, now I know.
Test Simulation - Loss of tire sensor signal for a TST507 TPMS system 5 years old manufactured @ 2018- 2019. Simulating the loss of a TST507 TPMS tire cap sensor, Tire coming off the RV, or Spare tire with a cap sensor falling out and rolling away. Specific tire tested - RV Spare Tire with cap sensor. Total of 5 RV tires programmed into monitor, every 5 seconds monitor switches to display the next tire data.
Test Steps-
1) Let the monitor update and currently displaying the spare tire cap sensor information - pressure and temperature of the spare tire. 102 PSI at 80*.
2) Start Timer - Take the monitor and walk away from the RV. - simulating complete loss of the sensor or tire coming off RV and flying away.
3) At 10:47:55 Spare tire data stopped displaying - No Alert - Just stopped reporting.
4) With monitor in hand walk back toward RV. As soon as monitor is in transmission range of spare tire cap sensor, spare tire information reappeared, No Alert, just started displaying spare tire data again. Total time to walk back beside the RV @ 5 minutes.
Simulation Test Results -
Well I guess, if you lose a tire with a sensor, or just the tire sensor, or the battery goes dead in a sensor, or the monitor is out of range of the sensor transmission, the monitor just stops displaying a tires information. It will redisplay tire data information when the monitor is back in transmission range of the tire cap sensor. No Alerts
What that tells me is that it took almost 11 minutes for the monitor to realize that tire cap sensor wasn't there any more. Through that 11 minutes, every rotation through displaying the 5 tires, the spare tire information was old displaying 102 80. Only after almost 11 minutes did the monitor update the tire information. What if you had 10 tires programmed into the monitor, how long would that take?
Now realize, once the monitor has updated and displaying tire cap sensor data, that is different than just removing a tire cap sensor from the tire to like add air, the monitor will "Alert" at the next rotation of that tire.
There is wonkiness in their programming.
Seems to me there should be some kind of alert like - "Tire Signal Loss". Since it takes 5 seconds for the monitor to switch to displaying the next tires data, and the monitor knows how many tires are programmed into it, In my case with 5 tires being monitored, the max it should take to alert "Tire Signal Loss" is 25 seconds.
Now I don't like this situation with the TST TPMS tire monitoring system, but I can't see spending another $275 right now for another system.
Oh well, now I know.
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