Trailer weight



Has anyone weighed the 303 to find the difference between drivers side and passengers side to see if the stock tires are overloaded on the drivers side. It seems to me all the weight is on that side. This will help me decide what to do about tires since I have had so many problems with tires. Also is there a way to raise the trailer to get more tire room and since my truck is a ford they sit high anyway, the last 5th I had I flipped the axles to get the trailer to travel level and have room between truck bed and trailer.
I have not weighed my axles individually, but I did weigh it fully loaded for a trip. The weight sheet that came with mine lists the street side at 4070 and the curb side at 3488 for a total of 7558. Using that info the street side is carrying about 54% of the weight. My axles loaded weigh 8240. Althought not exact if you assume the ratios stay the same that puts about 4450 on the kitchen side or street side. I do put the heavier items in my basement on the curb side to help mitigate the extra weight on the street side. No way to know for sure though until I weigh each side independently. Not sure where I could do that, the cat scales I use don't have that capability.
Our last fw was a KZ and I had a friend make some spacer blocks to go between the springs and axles. I had a local shop make longer u bolts to fasten the axles with the blocks installed. It leveled out the trailer and added clearance between the trailer and the tires. The only difference In the way it towed was the weight being distributed better between the front and back axle reducing the uneven tire wear and extra load on rear bearings. This would add the extra room needed to run 16" wheels and tires, and was a cheap modification.
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