Picked up a new 310GK this past spring that came equipped with the Travlfi setup. I activated the system and purchsed a months worth of data to test the system. To say the least I was not impressed. In my trial experience I rarely saw download speeds in excess of 3 MBPS and upload speeds of less than 1 MBPS. The physical sim card option did not perform any better with a sim card that has provided us with excellent service while on the road. Three attempts contacting customer support wasn't very helpful. First response was we had not purchsed a large enough data plan to expect better speeds The second attempt we were told we hadn't activated the 5G device. (We have the 4G device) The response on our third contact was unless we puchased more data they would not talk to us. We were hopping the Travlfi setup would provide some measure of convenience and redundancy but at this point it looks like a no go.