Western U.S. Rally Interest?


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2014
There have been quite a few postings asking about a 2015 rally. There were many of us "Westerners" who were not able to attend the 2014 rally in Indiana. Since I no longer have to work for a living, I'd be happy to start organizing a rally for those of us in the Western U.S. for next summer. If there is enough interest, I'll get the ball rolling. Please respond as follows:

1. Indicate your interest - Yes or No (this doesn't mean you commit to attending)
2. The top two states you'd prefer the rally to be held in.
3. The month you'd prefer the rally to be held.

I'll start:

1 - Yes
2 - Colorado, Wyoming
3 - September

Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico.

Prefer NOT between September 9 and 23.

Thanks for thinking about this!

Yes mid September sounds good Colorado, New Mexico ???? We are open
1. Possibly

2. Somewhere on the way home from an as yet unplanned trip to Glacier or Washington or Oregon or northern California.

3. September or early October (see #2).
We're headed west in 2015, haven't decided on any specific dates yet so we'll watch this thread (or a for a new one). If it fits in we'll be there!
So her are my non answers to the questions.

1. Maybe
2. we can be flexable
3. ??
1) Yes
2) Colorado or any state touching Colorado. :)
3) Later is probably better, but if we have the 380TH by then we'd be interested any time that's not July (edited- sorry, DW pointed out that month isn't good for us.)
Colorado, late Sept. (when the trees turn)

A good location would be Durango, Alpen Rose campground (north of Durango a little). Beautuful drive north of Durango to Silverton and Ouray. Rent a jeep in Silverton and go east up Engineer Pass. Can go all the way over the pass to Lake City (in a jeep).
Rent a jeep in Ouray and go west to Yankee Basin. World famous for wild flowers in the spring. Can take a truck up there but I would not want to take mine.

From Durango a good day trip is Mesa Verde Natl. Park. For a small charge can get a ranger guided tour of a cliff dwelling. Down metal steps at the beginning and up a couple of ladders at the end. I'm 73 and I made it o.k.

If you would rather be further north in Colorado, Ridgway State Park is nice. One of the campgrounds there has full hookups and all pull thru sites. A stream and a lake there.

1) YES!!!---we would plan our 2015 around it
2) We are in So Cal but welcome a good road trip
3) Late summer early fall
We would like to join in on a western rally. We camp at Mountain Views RV Resort its in Creede, CO two hours from Durango . Creede is an old mining town. About 500 people live there year round. Nice scenic jeep/atv riding trails right out of the resort. Just my two cents. Fall colors are great but altitude is 8800.
DW has expressed a certain degree of interest in helping with the organization, if this becomes a real thing. We've never been to a rally before, and (as you can see from the sig block) we're still working on the RV part. Having said all that: if we end up putting this together, please let us know- we may be interested in helping organize.
DW has expressed a certain degree of interest in helping with the organization, if this becomes a real thing. We've never been to a rally before, and (as you can see from the sig block) we're still working on the RV part. Having said all that: if we end up putting this together, please let us know- we may be interested in helping organize.

That would be great! Between this site, and the Facebook page, there is quite a bit of interest. The dates have been announced for the Elkhart rally now. I'll contact GD this week and see if they can support it. If so, we will probably need to work with their schedule to make this happen.

I had a discussion with Bill Fenech this morning regarding GD support for a potential western U.S. rally. Bill was supportive, but due to present committments, he can't help us pin down a date until after the holidays. Bill also couldn't commit yet on the level of support that GD would provide. A lot will depend on the date, location and number of participants. He did say that he's make every effort to join us if we do go forward. I did get the impression that there would not be GD technicians at a western rally due to logistics. It's not like being in Elkhart where the techs can take a quick run to the factory for parts and tools. Once we get more of a firm head nod from GD in January, I'll start working on the location and nailing down the date. So keep your calendars open if you can. No matter the level of support from GD, my first priority is to meet other GD owners, make some friends and share some stories.

I agree with Colorado Dave. We have a spot a couple down from him. Mountain Views resort in Creede is great in the summer. They have areas to meet
, a great theatre with live performances, lots of atv trails, and fishing.
Colorado would be great...or Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho,...
These are some great suggestions. The folks at GD are so busy with their phenominal growth, that it may be a while before they can commit to a date or support. How do you all feel about us just setting up a get together, and inviting GD to particpate as they can?
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