Definitely no saint here - ask DW.....I kind of don't want a replacement. Frustrating thing is everything above the frame has been great (except screw up with no bedroom heat which I fixed). Every issue I believe is related to Lippert frame lack of quality control. It would have been nice if GD's PDI had discovered that the axles and hangers were not aligned but everything is getting repaired - even tires and equalizers replaced. Besides, my insurance would be higher as would registration fees. I like my tank water heater, Coleman ACs, Samsung res refrig rather than more Furrion stuff from LCI. I have a wonderful VP that keeps telling me she is my POC and has included c-suite on emails and I believe in phone calls. This year was a non-use year but loss of a relative in her 30s, PT, and first grandchild would have put trips off anyway.