What do you all do for Internet? Wifi?



Hello all,

So we are new to full timing and will be moving into our 369RL soon. I am curious what everyone does for internet and what you all suggest for what I am looking for. Currently at home, am paying for 50mbs and have a Airport Extreme wireless router. Needless to say, I would hope the same is possible for my full timing rig. Most important is hooking up my Xbox One for online gaming. I have heard about products like WifiRanger and am wondering if thats the right way to go? We won't be traveling for a while, so we will be at an rv park with free internet, but Im not betting on that connection. Any suggestions? What should my expectations be?
The internet at campgrounds is not usually the best unless you are located pretty close to the source. I use my Verizon wireless internet which is 4G and that works great unless I am in the mountains in a dead zone but for the most part it works great. I don't know about XBox don't have one of those. I always bring my own internet source with me even where parks provide it.
We had this discussion a while back and after suggestions provided by forum members & researching the internet, it seems the best and most cost efficient method (at least for Louisiana) is to go with Verizon wireless and use the phone as a hotspot. This of course would be mainly for just emailing and surfing the net.

As for online gaming, Benny, I found this link and the guy acutally uses Verizon connection to play X-box. Here's the link..
http://ghostwolfe.com/blog/2013/09/verizon-jetpack-4glte-mi-fi-hotspot/ Maybe he will answer your question.

Other options you can look into is mobile satellite interent. I've check into this and found it to be very expensive. Easily 100-150 a month just for service and up to $5000 for the equipment. It's been about 6 months since I've checked, and you know technology it's always changing. Could be it's gotten cheaper by now!
I use my Verizon service for my internet connection at the campground because their WiFI usually is not the best. I just hook my phone up to my laptop and go from there. Works great unless it is a dead zone where reception is really bad.
We use a Verizon MIFI with a 10 GB plan. It's $80/month and does great for full timing.
Luke, do you use your phone as a hotspot, or did you use the Jetpack?
When we travel we have a Verizon MiFi Jetpak with 14GB. Of course my wife is a power user because of her work, but it has never let us down
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