What is the power panel that that has the battery cut off in it?

el Rojo

Senior Member
Site Sponsor
Aug 28, 2013
It's where the trailer ground comes in and the positives battery leads. What is it called and what all does it do? Mine is located on the front wall of the bay.


​The joys of getting used to a new trailer! I have no idea but thought I'd ask how the new trailer is , quite an adjustment from the old Momentum!
So far this trailer is excellent. I gained 10 model years, so lots of new stuff. I'm wanting add solar, but I need to know what this panel controls. At the PDI, the tech said ABS braking, but there's a lot more to it than that.

I did feel really stupid having to ask this question though.
So far this trailer is excellent. I gained 10 model years, so lots of new stuff. I'm wanting add solar, but I need to know what this panel controls. At the PDI, the tech said ABS braking, but there's a lot more to it than that.

I did feel really stupid having to ask this question though.

If you have a 2025, there is already solar on it. If you are adding to it or modifying, you should be able to identify the solar by looking at the controller and solar disconnect. The rectangular black box with the small disconnect "lever" in the middle is the replacement for the old main battery disconnect and breakers all over the wall. Everything 12 volt is in there.

And, FYI....that box is NOT for the ABS braking.
Pics of what I believe you are talking about. First pic of the box with cover off, 2nd pic of what it should look like, 3rd pic of solar disconnect.

All on a 2025 315RLTS.


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7 way battery box

Here's what I received from manufacturer. They said GD would have schematic on wiring..GD said manufacturer had it.
Not sure if attachment works.


    444.1 KB · Views: 28
If you have a 2025, there is already solar on it. If you are adding to it or modifying, you should be able to identify the solar by looking at the controller and solar disconnect. The rectangular black box with the small disconnect "lever" in the middle is the replacement for the old main battery disconnect and breakers all over the wall. Everything 12 volt is in there.

And, FYI....that box is NOT for the ABS braking.

Thanks Steve.

Yes it's a 2025 and I misspoke about adding solar. I have a 370w panel and 60A solar charger. What I meant to say was I want to add an Multiplus II inverter. I have a 300 ah lipo battery so I would be able to run 1 AC and other small loads up to a 25 amp draw. I would need to put the Multiplus in the shore power line in between the shore power and the breaker box.

Here's what I haven't figured out yet. I want to add a Victron power distribution link and add a Victron shunt inline with it. It's a very clean (but pricey) install. Therefore I would need to remove the battery leads and solar charger leads from this new OEM 12 volt battery cut off/distribution panel and move them to the new Victron distribution equipment and then resupply this new OEM 12 volt panel downline from the shunt. Does this make sense? Is my thinking on track?

Also at this time, we are not heavy boondockers so the 370 w panel should be fine. This is more for animal safety (and a neat project) if we lose shore power while we are away. I should be able to run the 1 AC for 2 hours for the dogs. I am also purchasing the new Hughes watch dog surge protector with WIFI that will alert us in the event of shore power outage.

That's my plan so far.

Here's what I received from manufacturer. They said GD would have schematic on wiring..GD said manufacturer had it.
Not sure if attachment works.

Thanks Tom. This is what I was looking for.
2021 Imagine 2600RB 30A

We installed a Multiplus II, solar converter, 600Ah of lithium in the forward passthru, and 1500W of solar panels. I ran a new group (6/3) for the shore power inlet as the old one only traveled halfway along the length to the breaker box in the cabin. Then also new lines from the Multiplus back to the breakers (8/3) as that run did not even exist.

The main issue for deciding locations in my case was the sheer size of the Multiplus coupled with the desire to keep the main battery cabling as short as possible--I did not want them under the bed. In the end, I put the new components in the passthru on the rear wall inboard of the docking box and ran the new oversized power cables as described. That last was a pain involving fish tape and a few scraped on my forearm from tighter reaches (The shore line runs under the shower basin!), but it was not difficult technically. We left the OEM converter and power run in place, unhooked, in case we ever want to restore the stock configuration.

We are moderate boondockers, but I still find the 600Ah of lithium will not run the single AC for long. I just clocked it the other day with the Starlink, appliance and a computer running alongside the AC on Low Auto and we used about 1% of battery charge per minute. When I hear of folks running the AC for a full day, I get all excited, but I must be doing something wrong... :)
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